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Breast Screenings

Breast Screenings services offered in Paramus, NJ

Breast Screenings

Breast screenings rely on diagnostic imaging to see the tissues inside your breasts and identify lumps and other breast diseases that cause pain, tenderness, and nipple discharge. At Feminine Urgicare in Paramus, New Jersey, women’s health experts perform breast screenings that fit your schedule, welcoming walk-in patients and scheduling appointments if preferred. Don’t wait to get a thorough exam and screening for worrisome breast symptoms. Call the office, book online, or walk in to receive compassionate care.

What are breast screenings?

A breast screening typically refers to a test performed before you have symptoms. A screening finds early signs of problems so you can get treatment to prevent the condition from progressing.

The Feminine Urgicare team also uses screening techniques to diagnose the cause of breast-related complaints. 

When do I need breast cancer screening? 

The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends that women with an average risk for breast cancer consider yearly mammograms at age 40 to 45. You can switch to screenings every two years after 55.

You should start breast screening at 30 if you have a high risk for breast cancer. Your Feminine Urgicare provider performs a risk assessment to determine your chances of developing breast cancer in your lifetime. 

What breast-related concerns need screening? 

Women may need diagnostic imaging to determine the cause of breast symptoms and diagnose benign (noncancerous) breast diseases. A few of the most common breast conditions include: 

Fibrocystic breast changes

Thickened breast tissues (fibrosis) make your breasts feel tender (or downright painful) and lumpy. 


Fluid-filled cysts in your breasts often disappear on their own but need treatment to drain the fluid if they become large and painful. 


Fibroadenomas cause lumps about the size of a marble. They’re the most common benign breast tumors and seldom cause pain, but some fibroadenomas may slightly raise your risk of cancer. 


Breast hyperplasia is an overgrowth of cells in the mammary ducts or glands. Your provider can’t feel them during a clinical breast exam but can find them with diagnostic screening. While hyperplasia isn’t cancerous, the condition may increase your chances of developing the disease. 

Intraductal papilloma

This condition causes a discharge when growths develop inside the mammary ducts near your nipples. Your risk of developing breast cancer increases if you have several growths. 

What type of breast screening will I need?

The women’s health specialists at Feminine Urgicare use on-site ultrasound to produce images of your breast tissues. Ultrasound is the gold standard for diagnosing noncancerous breast conditions.

While providers recommend mammography (a low-dose X-ray) for cancer screening, mammograms can miss some breast cancers. If that happens, the next step is a diagnostic ultrasound.

Feminine Urgicare offers breast screening any time during office hours. Walk-ins are welcome, or you can call or use online booking to schedule an ultrasound.